Dear Greylock Together,
Tomorrow night (Monday the 22nd) at 7:00 pm, the Williamstown Select Board is meeting. One of the issue they will be considering is whether or not to paint BLACK LIVES MATTER on Spring Street, as proposed by Randy F. in a recent letter to the board. The agenda and Zoom info can be found here.
An excerpt from Randy’s letter:
This latest round of protests are not a wake up call for any of us. We are all educated enough to know there is systematic discrimination based on race, creed, and sexual orientation. Rather, these protests are, once again, asking us as individuals and as a community, what are we going to do about working to ensure that our Black community members feel safe, loved and supported? No, we cannot end discrimination, even within our borders. We can, however, provide a clear, unambiguous sign—for our children, Williams students, visitors, and, most importantly, those among us who are not willing to say enough is enough—that pronounces in no uncertain terms that in our community, Black Lives Matter.
I request the Select Board to immediately approve “Black Lives Matter” be painted on our main street, Spring Street, as has been done in DC and now in other cities and towns. If the Mayor of Washington, DC can stand up to the President, surely we can stand up to the forces of the status quo in our community. Change does not happen if we keep doing the same. Your leadership behind the scenes is valuable, and appreciated. Our times demand more of all of us.
Be there and be heard.
Resist and persist!