Dear Greylock Together,
A quick note to you this evening. I hope you saw the rainbow earlier today. Spring in our area is simply beautiful. We are lucky to live here.
Greylock Together folks who live in NY-19 – CALL FASO now!
If you live in NY-19, please call Representative John Faso as soon as you can! Have friends who live in NY-19? Call them tonight and urge them to call Faso tomorrow!
Representative John Faso: 202-225-5614
The American Healthcare Act (AHCA) proposed by the president and the Republican leadership is being revived, with concessions made to Freedom Caucus ideologues who felt last month’s bill was too generous. With provisions now made to let states decide how insurers should handle pre-existing conditions, the House Freedom Caucus is now on board and the Republicans are working hard to get to 216 votes. John Faso has not yet come out to say he will vote no, nor is he a definite yes. So CALL AND TELL REPRESENTATIVE FASO YOU WANT HIM TO VOTE NO on the bill if a vote gets called.
For more information, Indivisible and MoveOn are hosting a Facebook Live event tonight (right now!) at 9pm.
For updates on how Republicans are leaning on the vote, visit this link:
Greylock Together Meeting this Sunday 5/7, 3:00-4:30 p.m.
We meet again this Sunday 5/7 at the Williamstown Youth Center. This meeting will feature group updates, and a deeper look into green energy, with folks from our Climate Committee sharing information on green energy initiatives, including an electric vehicle showcase (come test drive a car!) and information on current incentives to help make purchasing an electric vehicle more affordable.
Yesterday we learned of another death of an unarmed black person, Jordan Edwards, a 15-year old child, at the hands of law enforcement. I am personally heartbroken at the reoccurrence of this uniquely American problem, and I hope we can help one another better understand the issues at the heart of the matter. I have been meaning to put together a conversation about race – a safe conversation where we can ask questions like, “why do you say ‘black lives matter’?” “what is a microaggression?” “what is intersectionality?” “does white privilege exist” and “what can I do to help?” On Sunday, May 14th, let’s get together and just talk. No prior experience, knowledge, or assumptions needed. Location TBD.
See you soon,